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Prospective Client Enquiries

If you are a potential client exploring retaining our counsel, at the outset, we would  like to thank you for visiting and taking time to review and consider partnering with us.

Towards taking this further, kindly complete the appended client enquiry form. Our Founder CEO & Principal Consultant, will review the same & connect with you, within 3 business days of receipt of the same.

Incase you would like to talk to us, kindly feel free to call us at :-

1.USA - 1-646.559.6162 - Anytime between 8 am to 5 pm EDT/EST, Monday-Friday.
2.India - ++91-(0)-9282104333 - Anytime between 9 am to 6 pm IST, Monday-Friday.

We look forward to hearing from you and if there is a synergy, partnering with you, soon.

Client Enquiry Form





